A liquid bouquet. This pink concoction is a refreshing rose cocktail for a sunny afternoon. Whether you’re looking for the perfect sip to enjoy with someone or by yourself, this recipe is a great pick-me-up drink.
- 30 ml Stolichnaya Jalapeno
- 15 ml Maestro Sour
- 20 m Maharlika floral syrup
- 5 ml Lime juice
- 20 ml Empire Gin
- 2 drops of herb saline
- Bagsik bitters (HGC)
- Bagsik bitters (PKB)
- Rose petals
- Rosemary
- Add all ingredients in a shaker
- Add ice
- Strain liquid in a coupette
- Add ice
- Garnish with a rose petal and burnt rosemary
- Spray with Bagsik bitters and serve
Photos and Video by Star Sabroso