Afternoon Delight

< 1 minute

For something refreshing in the middle of the day, sip on Afternoon Delight. Light and fresh, with the invigorating spiciness of lemongrass and ginger at the back of the throat, just a touch of elderflower, this very low-ABV cocktail will perk you up. Add vodka or gin to spike it if you’re having one of those days.


30 ml elderflower liqueur 
2 inch ginger cube, muddled
15 ml lemon juice
ginger ale to top 
1 stalk lemongrass, pounded and edible flowers as garnish
lemon peel


Muddle the ginger in the shaker. 
Add elderflower liqueur and lemon juice. 
Add ice and shake. 
Strain into glass and add ice. 
Top with ginger ale. 
Garnish with stalk of lemongrass (pounded) and edible flowers.

Ocean Pyramid Highball Glass, carafe, and Wilmax England bar tools are exclusively distributed by World Class Concepts Corp. For more information about their products, visit, @worldclassconceptscorp on Facebook, or contact +632) 824 3856-59. Follow Lifestyle Essential Living @lifestyleessentialliving on Facebook and @lifestyle_kitchenware on Instagram. Follow Wilmax England on Facebook @wilmaxenglandphilippines and @wilmaxenglandph on Instagram. 

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