A cocktail so good that you’ll be drinking like a fish. This year’s Pisces cocktail is a bit sweeter than the usual martini. It’s a clear and subtle, yet strong.
30ml gin 90ml Mancino Vermouth 3 dashes/sprays lime bitters 1 lemon peel
Pour gin and Mancino Vermouth in a mixing glass. Add ice and stir. Spray chilled glass with lime bitters (add 3 dashes of lime bitters in the drink if no spray bottle). Pour the drink into the glass. Express oils of lemon peel. Garnish with lemon peel on cocktail pick.
Lucaris RIMS Martini Glass is exclusively distributed by World Class Concepts Corp. For more information about their products, visit wccc.com.ph, @worldclassconceptscorp on Facebook, or contact +632 824 385 659. Follow Lifestyle Essential Living @lifestyleessentialliving on Facebook and @lifestyle_kitchenware on Instagram. Follow Wilmax England on Facebook @wilmaxenglandphilippines and @wilmaxenglandph on Instagram.
Mancino Vermouth is distributed exclusively by Apotheke Craft Spirits. Follow them at @apothekecraftspirits on Facebook and Instagram.