The Philippine Gin We’ve Been Waiting For

My career in the beverage industry has given me many opportunities to try new spirits and have a variety of drink experiences. I’m always on the lookout for something new and worth sharing. I’m interested in all aspects of drinks; from how it tastes, smells and feels, to the brand story, bottle details, and process.  Gin is one of my

5 Boozy Books to Add to Your Reading List

Books are useful resources that aspiring bartenders and anyone who’s interested in cocktails should tap. There’s something special about holding a book in your hands, turning the pages, and bookmarking (I’m not a dog-earing kind of person) passages that you want to remember. Here are a few classics that every drink enthusiast should have, plus two important reads for every

Reliving Old Manila with Santa Ana Gin

Growing up, I’ve heard countless stories of how life used to be in Manila. There were black and white photos taken when my grandmothers were still young, showing their travels, how they dressed, and the food they ate that seemed painstakingly prepared. I can just imagine the flavors and the scents! The elegance and affluence of the old word captured

Which Scotch Are You? 

There are many reasons to fall in love with Scotch whisky. It could be the way it smells, or how the dark liquid covers the tongue and reveals its flavors slowly. It may be that Scotch whisky turns someone you just met into your new best friend or a stranger seem more interesting or become more attractive (whisky goggles). Or

Wine and Sake Recommendations for the Holidays

My recent trip to Singapore for The Great Wine & Dine Festival was eye-opening. I got to take part in the festival and indulged in some of the finest wines and food in the world. I also got to witness the first Wine Pinnacle Awards, an exciting wine award based on nominations, where any wine in the world can enter

Don’t Miss this Authentic Celebration of Oktoberfest 

What started as a wedding celebration for a Prince 200 years ago in Bavaria, where they prepared too much beer for the whole kingdom, is now celebrated globally as the annual Oktoberfest.  Beers fans from all over gather to celebrate, eat, and drink unscrupulous amounts of beer. In 2018, Oktoberfest in Munich consumed a staggering 7.5 million liters of beer!

Iconic Chilean Wine Don Melchor 2015 Cabernet Sauvignon Now In PH

Trends in the Philippine drinking scene come in waves. First, it was whisky, and now gin is the ‘in’ spirit of the moment. One thing that has been constant throughout is Filipinos’ love of wine. Don Melchor, Chile’s quintessential Cabernet Sauvignon, recently brought of its finest vintages to Manila. This vintage line from Concha Y Toro has received international recognition

12 Days of Christmas Craft Cocktails

On average, there may be roughly two dozen Christmas carols in sporadic rotation in the playlist in our heads at any given time (I’m being very conservative with that estimate). There might be disputes as to which persistent seasonal tunes are in the top 10, but it’s a safe bet that “12 Days of Christmas” is in the top 20.